ENGINEERING Water Sewerage

Preliminary Design for Environment Management in Nanji Sewage Treatment Plant

ClientSeoul Metropolitan Government


LocationSeoul, Korea

Scale Processing Method : MLE(Advanced Treatment Process Improvement)

The goal is to identify the causes of odor generation at the Nanji Water Regeneration Center's major facilities, and to secure appropriate odor control facilities tailored to the operational conditions of each odor-emitting facility. This is aimed at improving the pleasant operation of sewage treatment facilities and the facility environment, not only to proactively prevent odor complaints but also to provide nearby residents and citizens of Seoul with a friendly environment. This includes creating recreational and convenience facilities, exercise and landscaping facilities, public green spaces, and more, thereby offering new and pleasant spaces for relaxation, leisure, culture, and other activities that have not been available in the urban area.

  1. #Sewerage
  2. #Domestic
  3. #Gyeonggi-do