ENGINEERING Power Electrical

Preliminary Design and Detailed Design Service for Sludge Reduction and Energy Self-Reliance and Improvement of Samcheonpo Wastewater Treatment Plant

ClientSacheon City


LocationSacheon, Korea

Scale 1) Improvement of existing WWTP(43,000㎥/day)
Topographical Survey : 85,762㎡ / Geological Survey : 4 points
Preliminary & Detailed Design
2) Sludge Reduction and Energy Self-Reliance Investigation of Sludgy
Characteristic / Analysis of Sludge Digestion
Preliminary & Detailed Design

-R.E.C: 22.9kV, 1,000kVA
-STP capacity:
existing 43,000㎥/day
extension 19,100㎥/day

  1. #Domestic
  2. #Gyeongsang-do
  3. #Electrical
  4. #Sewerage