
Construction Management for the District 6 and District 7, for Wonju~Gangleung Railway

ClientKorea Railway Network Authority

Year2012 - 2018

LocationPyeongchang, Korea

Scale District 6 : L=8.800㎞, Staion 1place, Tunnel 4.281㎞,
District 7 : L=8.718㎞, Inclined Shaft 0.970㎞

In order to promote regional development in the East Sea region by establishing rail transportation support infrastructure in response to the hosting of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and establishing a high-speed rail network in the metropolitan area and the East Sea region, we implemented full responsibility supervision for sections 6 and 7 of the Wonju-Gangneun railway construction project.

  1. #Railway
  2. #Railway
  3. #Domestic
  4. #Gangwon-do
  5. #Domestic