ENGINEERING Water Sewerage

Preliminary Design and Detailed Design for such as Hwasunoncheon Sewage Pipeline Maintenance Project

ClientHwasun County


LocationGwasun, Korea

Scale Hwasunoncheon Sewage Pipeline Maintenance - Sewer : 4.8㎞
Village Sewerage Maintenance in Dongbok Lake Basin (Phase 2)
- Sewer : 2.9㎞
Village Sewage Improvement in Hwasun-gun
- STP(Improvement) : 4 points
Hwasun Sewage Treatment Facilities
- STP(Extension) : 13ton/day
Improvement of Hwasunoncheon STP : 1,000㎥/day

The project aims to expand the sewage treatment areas in the Okri, Dongyu, and Seyu treatment zones through sewage pipeline improvement projects. This is being carried out to enhance water quality in the discharge area and improve public hygiene for local residents.

  1. #Domestic
  2. #Jeolla-do
  3. #Sewerage